Special Needs
Jesus loves all people
In a church where people matter, we recognize that some of the people in our church body have needs which require extra support and care. As we have been called to GO MAKE DISCIPLES, this includes people with special needs.
Essential Special Needs Ministry seeks to support those with special needs, their families, and our church family as we seek to make disciples of everyone. We provide hands-on support within classrooms, modified curriculum when needed, social and behavioral support, sensory-friendly church service and classroom, and a community of believers who want to ensure that those with special needs belong at Spring Creek Church.
Please join caregivers living with disability for our twice monthly Caregiver Coffee and Prayer. We meet from 9-10:30AM twice each month (on the first and third Fridays) of each month in the Student Cafe in the Student wing of the church (enter through Door #8). We pray for one another, share resources and discuss a topic related to living with disabilities.
Come as you are, arrive when you can, leave when you need to and walk away refreshed. You are not alone!
We hope to see you there!
Essential Special Needs Ministry supports any child ages 0-5th grade (identified as having special needs) during the 9:00 am service each Sunday and within its AWANA ministry who can be fully included with their peers and participate with adapted materials and/or expectations.
Support is individualized using an Individualized Spiritual Plan (ISP), and ranges from full inclusion with typical peers, to reverse inclusion within the sensory room. Components of our program include, but are not limited to:
- Trained staff with 1:1 support when needed
- Adapted curriculum
- Visual schedules and supports
- Behavior support tools
- Sensory learning opportunities
- Super friend peer engagement
Essential Special Needs Ministry supports any student from 6th-12th grade (identified as having special needs) during the 6:30 pm service each Wednesday. Additional support times may be identified and incorporated as the ministry grows.
Student Ministry support is individualized using an Individualized Spiritual Plan (ISP), with support ranging from full inclusion support with typical peers to reverse inclusion support within a chill space. Components of our program include, but are not limited to:
- Trained staff with 1:1 support when needed\
- Adapted curriculum for Bible study
- Adapted note-taking
- Sensory supports within large group activities
- Chill space available for needed breaks
- Visual schedules and supports
- Behavior support tools
- Small Group Bible Study in a quiet space
- Smaller scale activities available during large group/louder formal activities
Essential Special Needs Ministry supports adults (identified as having special needs) during the 10:30 AM service each Sunday morning. Additional support times may be identified and incorporated as the ministry grows.
Components of our program include, but are not limited to:
- Designated room for live streamed service allowing for smaller and quieter space
- Trained volunteers who can engage with adults with special needs
- Trained staff to interact with adults with special needs to direct them to needed community resources
- Closed Captioning of the livestreamed service
- Sensory friendly accessible environment with support staff when needed
ISPs are a tool for parents with kids who need extra support to communicate with the Special Needs Team what those needs are, your child's likes and dislikes, as well as tools and spiritual goals for our team to minister to your child in the best and most effective way.
Click HERE to complete your child's ISP online for KidsCreek
Click HERE to complete your student's ISP online for Student Ministry
Essential is God's ministry. We need Him to continue to do a mighty work by providing much-needed volunteers, family liaisons to minister to special needs families, respite workers to support families, church member open hearts and minds and logistical details for this ministry to succeed. On the first Sunday of every month at 8 AM, our prayer team meets to pray over our ministry! We encourage you to join us in the KidsCreek wing for a time of prayer and praise for what God has done in this ministry!
God has enabled each of us with unique gifts and abilities. If you desire to serve within our special needs ministry, we have a place for you! We currently have openings during the 9:00 am worship service and Wednesday evening support for AWANA and LOFT student ministries in the fall. We provide training, ongoing coaching and collaboration to make sure you are serving in a successful capacity and exactly where the Lord has called you! If interested in serving, please Click Here.