


You are most like Jesus when you are serving others.

Using your time for His glory will always be a beautiful statement of your love for others and your love for Jesus. We want every person to identify their gifts, be willing to use them, and find a place to make a difference. Here at Spring Creek, we have endless opportunities for you to do just that. From being a part of our hospitality team, to serving in the kid's ministry to helping with our facilities and everything in between, you can find a way to say yes to serving others. And we promise you, you will be abundantly blessed by that yes.

steps to start serving here



Complete a form

Click 'interested' under any of the teams we have and fill out a simple form.



Get connected

Upon receipt of your form, we will reach out to you to discuss your areas of interest and make sure it's a good fit for you and us.



Start serving

Once approved, we'll introduce you to the team you'll be serving with and get you trained.

Ministry Teams




















Other ways to serve

Serve Near

Come serve right here in our neighborhood with one of our local partners that we support financially and link arms with them to do very important, Christ-centered, tangible work.

Local Partners

Serve Far

Find out how you can travel further away to a domestic or international location on one of our upcoming mission trips.



Are there any requirements to join a team?

Some teams require church membership, a background check, professional skills, submission of previous work and/or an audition. You will receive notification of the exact process required after you fill out the serve form indicating your area of interest.

Can I serve on more than one team?

Definitely! Many people serve on more than one team based on how much time they have and how much need there is. Please keep in mind that spiritual growth and community are also important. Make sure you keep attending a service and joining a life group or class as a priority.

I'm interested in serving but not sure where I can help?

That is totally fine. We are here to help you get plugged in. Fill out the below form and a member of our team will reach out to you to see what would be the best fit for you.

Help Me Serve


Do I have to be a church member to serve on a team?

For the majority of our serving roles, you do not need to be a church member. But for some, we do require membership. We will be sure to inform you of the requirements.

Do you offer childcare when parents want to serve?

In occasional circumstances, childcare is provided so parents can serve, but this is not a typical practice we follow.

Do you offer training in areas that I'm interested in serving in but don't have the skill set yet?

We will always tell you if training is a possibility. There are many positions where we will onboard, teach and train our volunteers. In addition, we will share if professional skills are required.

Do you have a minimum amount of time required as a commitment to serve on a team?

There are some positions where we do ask for a commitment. But don't let your time constraint hold you back from joining a serving team. Share with us what you are able to contribute and we'll be sure to put you in a position that accommodates those hours.