Membership & Baptism

Church membership is an important part of your spiritual journey. 

Here at Spring Creek Church we seek to follow the Biblical pattern of believers committed to Christ and to each other through the local church. Becoming a member at Spring Creek Church connects you at deeper level to the care network of the church and opens up greater opportunities for ministry. 




Step 1 - Attend a Discovering Membership Seminar.

Step 2 - Complete your Membership Application and write your faith story.   Online Membership Application

Step 3 - Have a Deacon Conversation. This is a friendly and casual conversation with a couple of church leaders about your own faith journey.

Step 4 - Participate in a Membership Service. Be baptized by immersion as a public testimony of salvation at an evening baptism service. If you have already been baptized by immersion, a summary of your faith will be presented to the congregation at a baptism service.


Discovering Membership Seminar

The Discovering Membership Seminar at Spring Creek Church is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the church, get your questions answered and get started on the road to church membership.  We hold monthly membership seminars to provide information about the doctrine and practice of the church and answer any questions you might have.  Pastor Mike Poelzer, our Connection Pastor, will share with you what we believe, the membership process, and answer your questions about the church. 

Seminars take place on Sunday afternoons from 3:30-5:30pm in Room 22. Register for an upcoming Discovering Membership Seminar below. 




At Spring Creek, we believe the Bible teaches believer's baptism by immersion

Baptism is a symbol and a statement that a person has accepted Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord and has begun a life of discipleship with Him.  

As a Symbol, it demonstrates a believer's identification with Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.  

As a Statement, it says that a person has responded to the Gospel in faith, has repented of sins, and is not ashamed to identify as a follower of Jesus Christ.  

See the events section below for upcoming baptism services.

Upcoming Membership Events

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