On Demand
Easter 2023
April 9, 2023
He is Risen!! The gift of the resurrection is the gift of forgiveness...and it changes everything. And although the cost was high, it can be received by all who choose to put their faith in God. Pastor Chip presents a clear path to putting your faith in Jesus so you can be MADE ALIVE on this Easter Sunday!
Good Friday 2023
April 7, 2023
From beginning to end, the imprint of the sovereign hand of God is seen. God wrote GOOD on the single worst day in the history of the world. Because, as Pastor Chip shared from Ephesians 2, "even when we were dead in our trespasses, he made us alive together with Christ". What faith. What obedience. What love.
April 2, 2023
Jude, the half brother of Jesus, writes to those who are called, loved and kept for Jesus...which is all of us. He addresses the reality that still exists today. Some people follow Jesus and some people do not. In his short but powerful letter, he urges his readers to contend for their faith, stay in the love of God and have mercy on those who are doubting. It's a very short book with a BIG message.
3 John
March 26, 2023
The very personal letter of 3 John asks Christians to conduct themselves in ways that make eternal impact. Faithfulness. Generosity. Hospitality. Love. Pastor Chip helps us see, through three named Believers in the text, how we can live out our faith well... and some habits we can avoid so we don't stumble.
2 John
March 19, 2023
Pastor Mike Poelzer unpacks 2 John in this sermon; a 306 word little book of the bible that is filled with loud echoes of Jesus, that John, the author, witnessed during his close time with the Lord. Equal parts, affirmation and admonition, this tiny passage urges believers to know the truth, obey the truth, teach the truth and love the truth. Because you can't spot a counterfeit if you never study what's real.
March 12, 2023
In this short letter that Paul writes, we can be spurred on to live a life filled with Resolve, Refreshment, Responsibility and Results....eternal Results. It's a "refreshingly contagious" life all found by following the lead of Christ and His faithful followers. Be challenged by this question: "If the scriptures were written today, would your name be one that Paul would say...."my fellow worker"....as he does to the named people at the close of Philemon?
March 5, 2023
Join us for a new series called This is BIG: Lessons from the Little Books. This week we opened up the scriptures in Obadiah, the shortest book of the Old Testament. The prophet, Obadiah, helps us to see two sins that cause us to stumble greatly. They can saturate our daily lives without even realizing. Pastor Chip reminds us that we are responsible for the choices we make. And with God, we can fight to choose His ways over ours.
Psalm 27
February 26, 2023
We face fear every day. No one is immune from it. It's actually a God-given emotion to keep us from failing. But uncontrolled fear can lead to irrational thinking, irrational behaviors and spiritual paralysis. Psalm 27 helps us form a battle plan to combat a fear-driven life and reminds us of the goodness of God that can be found by walking with Him.
Psalm 24
February 19, 2023
Pastor Jeremy Rush unpacks the answer to a frequent question asked by both Believers and Non-Believers: How do I measure up? This question is chased in academics, in families, in sports and in the workplace. It's exhausting and does nothing but leave you feeling tired, burned out, empty and lonely. Be encouraged that the answer to this is not to work harder. It's actually to give up trying to be an impressive person and start focusing on our impressive God.