AWANA Nursery
Up to 24 monthsONLY for children who have one or more parents/guardians serving in AWANA, or Student Ministry.
If you are in a Wednesday night Class or Life Group and would like to register your child for the nursery, we ask you to serve in the nursery, Honeybees or sub in AWANA once every 8 weeks.
Email Children's Ministry to have your child added to this group.
Age 2ONLY for children who have one or more parents/guardians serving in AWANA, or Student Ministry. Registration fee is $15.00 for the year and includes a HoneyBees T-Shirt.
If you are in a Wednesday night Class or Life Group and would like to register your child for HoneyBees, we ask you to serve in the nursery, Honeybees or sub in AWANA once every 8 weeks.
Email Children's Ministry to have your child added to this group.
Age 3-4Club Theme Calendar | Bear Hug schedule | Letter to Cubbie Parents
The Cubbie Handbook includes creative learning activities that encourage parent-child interaction at home teaching basic truths about God, Jesus, sin and salvationChildren must be 3 years old by Sept 1st to participate. General Cubbies Info
K-2nd GradeClub Theme Calendar | Kindergarten Calendar | 1st Grade Calendar | 2nd Grade Calendar | Letter to Sparks Parents
Sparks ignites the curiosity of early elemntary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Jesus. Children must be in Kindergarten by Sept 1st to participate. General Sparks Info
3rd-5th GradeClub Theme Calendar | T&T Verse Calendar | Letter to T&T Parents
The T&T (Truth & Training) curriculum teaches kids the truth of God's Word, trains them to follow Him and practice His grace. Children must be in 3rd grade by Sept 1st to participate. General T&T Info
2024-2025 Key Dates
- 9/4/24 Awana First Night
- 11/27/24 No Club- Happy Thanksgiving!
- 12/18/24 & 12/25/24 No Club - Christmas Break
- 1/1/25 No Club - New Year's Break
- 3/5/25 - T&T Creation Night (Guest Speaker Jay Seegert)
- 3/8/25 -Spring AWANA Grand Prix (Sparks and T&T)
- 3/26/25 No Club - Spring Break
- 4/30/25 - Last Night of Club
- 5/7/25 - Awana Awards
View required books and apparel